

MoMi is an artist/hobbyist from Lodi who explores the dialogue between matter, color and form through a unique artistic language, with a strong instinctive and primordial vocation. In her works the *little golden men* emerge, traveling along a road whose destination is unknown to the eyes of those who observe the painting, but not to them, who, ordered, try to find a place among the colors that occupy a space in the work .

The idea that each user chooses their color as a reminder of an emotion, in which to enclose their own little golden man, thus giving it a personal destination.



140 x 135 cm  ( 55″H x 53″H )

acrylic on wooden panel



140 x 135 cm  ( 55″H x 53″H )

acrylic on wooden panel

Il cammino


140 x 135 cm  ( 55″H x 53″H )

acrylic on wooden panel

Panorami urbani


140 x 135 cm  ( 55″H x 53″H )

acrylic on wooden panel

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